الاثنين، 22 سبتمبر 2014

Restaurant inside the 6000 year-old tree

Tree "baobab" long-lived tree and sacred in Africa and call it the tree of life and tells them a lot of myths and legends, for example: If you want your child to grow and grow up to become strong and effective in the community, you should Quenching always a bowl made ​​of wood "baobab." 

The largest of these trees exist in the "Limpopo" in South Africa, where he is visiting every year more than 7,000 visitors come specifically to eating and drinking beverages in exceptional circumstances peculiar because it will be in a restaurant inside the cavity Hjratna giant with a ceiling height natural 4 meters and the thickness of the walls 2 meters and the walls of course not of stone but of the tree bark and bark, and inside a large area for customers who eat their meal in place of sexy and distinctive. 

How I wished baobab tree grows in our country even drink from a bowl made ​​of wood is for I am becoming a hero as strong as legend says.

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